Friday, August 30, 2013

Unannounced Bid Committee Meeting

News for Friday Aug 30 2013

Un-announced Bid Committee Meeting on 8/30?

The Wi-Fi  vendors had 2 hours each to explain their proposals to-day, and it appears that a un-announced and unknown meeting of the UCO Bid Committee was held  right after. What happened to transparency?


  1. It was posted on "David's Blog". I can certainly understand why you missed it!
    The clutter on that blog is amazing! You can't even see the first post on the blog because of the "panoramic" view. Then you are assaulted with the music of channel 63. If you finally get past those two, the UCO reporter greets you...not until everyone shows off their uploading capabilities do we encounter their latest post.
    Did anyone teach them that simplicity is a sign of an organized mind.

  2. Wi-Fi is a selfish indulgence perpetrated by David Israel and his gang in order for THEM to save $40.00 per month; never considering the residents on fixed incomes who do not have computers and will be forced to pay for something they do not need. There are many people in the village barely surviving on $600.00. It is unconscionable for David Israel to require these people to pay $4 to $7 per month in order for him and his followers to save money. If the village had the money to Pay for Wi-Fi, without an increase, I say GO FOR IT. However, since we do not, I suggest we postpone it for a later time when we do.
    I am not against Wi-Fi; I am against installing it without having the money to pay for it.

    The only thing David knows about money is to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND it.
