Saturday, August 10, 2013

Work together to find a reasonable resolution to the Golf Course development

Century Village seems to have more than its share of disputes.  These disputes breed a dispute mentality and that, in turn, breeds more disputes.  Maybe it is time to stop fighting and work together for a reasonable compromise on at least one dispute.

Maybe if we can resolve one dispute as good neighbors and begin a pattern for some of the other issues that lower our joy of living here and make the type of legal actions we all read about more acceptable than they should be on our home.

We should end the legal action associated with the golf course development and work toward a mutually agreeable set of land covenants that would bind the developer to reasonable actions that both sides accept after negotiation and compromise.

Eventually the County Commissioners will agree to some type of development rather than encouraging the developer to allow the land to be taken, for example, for non-payment of taxes that might happen if all development is refused.

I suggest a negotiating committee be formed with four people from units that directly face the property and two people from the CV community.  If necessary, a facilitator or mediator be retained and paid partially by CV and partially by the developer.

The result would be a set of land covenants that both sides aggree would replace the existing restrictions on any development.

We could begin the negotiations by urging:

1.  the present fence be relocated to be a minimum of 25 feet from any CV unit.

2.  Retail development be restricted to the area near Haverhill Rd. with the balance to be used for lower traffic facilities such as an extended care facility.

3.  No access from CV to and from the developed property is to be built or used unless CV agrees to a secure staffed gate with security equal to the present CV gates.

4.  The boundary between the two properties should be lighted and landscaped by the developer .

This is a fair start.  The critical item is that CV agrees to support development with an agreed set of restrictions applied to the land and will work with the developer to gain the necessary approval from the County Commissioners.

This is better than continuing an expensive fight we will ultimately loose.


1 comment:

  1. You posted this already on the other blog and it is still as useless. This guy Waldman is not open to any offers. He lied from the onset and prints on his prospectus that plans can be changed at any time without notice. Hello? How can you trust anyone who puts that into print. And simply the ugly act of slamming those fences down the way he did - do you really think he will compromise in any way and as for having no access to the Village, he puts the access into the Village as a plus for us and for advertisement for stores for his so called village center or what ever he is calling it. Who the hell needs his stores. I have never noticed a lack of stores here to go shopping no matter the direction I take after leaving the Village. We could sign a zillion pieces of papers as agreements and who will enforce them when he changes it at the last moment? Finally, I want no one and no person signing a paper that states CV will work with him at the Commissioners office. That is an item that would need to be unit by unit vote, not a delegate vote. It is too important for the shenanigans that go on there.
