Tuesday, March 18, 2014


     After requesting the records from the election, I decided to just take a break and listen to people close to me. David Israel, who says he will post all my emails DID NOT, but he did publish the letter I sent to rescind the request - AT HIS REQUEST as he wanted it in that form and did not accept the email I sent him. I also rescinded the request with the right to request it again. I thought that by allowing this request to lapse, I would allow time for him to try to work on a unity plan. Well, the man did not. Instead, he fires up the whole fight all over again.

 You are one nasty dude, David Israel, and there you go again tying people together when there is no connection other than the fact that they were candidates on an opposition slate, opposing you. I can only wonder why you are so infested and consumed with paranoid fantasies.

     Contrary to your people, those who supported me are not puppets. They do not jump to my commands. In fact, I do not give any commands, unlike you. I believe in the team approach and in democracy. Maybe we should send an email to Putin as he certainly believes in your type of governing.

     Olga has every right to ask for and see the election original papers and there is no cause for you, David Israel, to be nasty about the whole thing. I wonder if you know any other way to actually behave with any one else other than with your puppets.

     I have asked you time and time again to try to go up, toward a higher plain, a higher level and standard of behavior, to accept and hear the voices of the multiples of people who obviously disagree with you. By being a true statesman you could unite the Village and then perhaps you would have a legacy, but no, you choose the low and dirty path again. I am so tired of you, so very tired. Be sure that next week I will be handing in my volunteer papers and I expect to get appointed to one of my requested committees. If not, you, David Israel, will have much to answer for as you already do at this point.

Once again you have introduced needless anger, hurt and nastiness into the fray. Are you proud of yourself? Ask yourself, as you look in the mirror, "Is this the son my mother would be proud of?"

   Please note that I could care less what your stooges Mike and Plcruise have to say about me, but they should shut up about others. They showed their true colors when they wrote those nasty words about Phyllis Richland upon her retirement. Nasty is as nasty does and a leopard doesn't change his spots. Too bad, so sad. I was truly hoping for a better, kinder era for our Village.

What is wrong with this Little Man? Even with no reasons he is insulting and derogatory. All of this is a Wonderment !- Gary

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