Friday, March 14, 2014


    I am not sure why and when the world went so crazy here in the Village with wild accusations and statements. No one is threatening to sue. I know of no lawsuit except the one that was filed a few weeks ago. There are none other than that and the request for the papers is simply an attempt to analyze what happened. If it makes you all so paranoid to have such a request, then forget it. At this point I do not give a good goddamn about your crazy statements and accusations and the wild remarks made on your blog, David. I am just tired and disgusted about and with it.You need to rope them in before they say something they really regret.

    In the paper today there is an article by a head  of a large company who states that a leader needs to have the skill of listening to all around him/her and to have modesty, not to think one knows it all. Interesting remarks. Please take note. Please take note that the delegates who did not vote for you represent a very large proportion of the residents of the Village. You need to hear what they are telling you.

     In any case, I am going to cede to the demands of those I love and who are important people in my life. They demand that I disengage right now, stop tilting at windmills and remind me that at 65 I cannot be Don Quixote 24/7. Believe it or not, David, there are people in this world more important than you and so I accede to their wishes. In due time, as things change, as administrations and people change and age and move on, there will be time to reengage. Right now I am taking a break. That does not mean I will not apply as a volunteer, just keeping a lower profile.

     I am tired of the negativity, the name calling and insults that members of your group rely on to express their thoughts. I am tired of the lies and twisting of words. I am, in fact, tired of you and your gang and only feel and worry for the Village.

     So - cancel the request, cancel their mouths and just please try to keep our Village whole so that we all do not go down the tubes with your policies and refusal to heed the voice of others. If you need a registered letter to this effect, that the request for the election records is cancelled just let me know and it will be on the way.

(However keep in mind the "My Village Blogger" is and will remain engaged - Gary)

1 comment:

  1. Esther, I can understand your disgust with the likes of David Israel and his Lilliputians. I want you to know that we have appreciated your effort to right the wrongs in the village. Unfortunately, the majority of delegates who know nothing decided to come out of the woodwork like cockroaches and vote.
    I want .you to know that this is not the end. There are some of us who refuse to put down our guns and play dead.
    Enjoy your break time.
