Sunday, July 13, 2014


The other day I was asked by someone who was complimenting my blog as to why I do this? Why do I and others persist in pointing out the issues in UCO and demand redress? Of course, my first answer was, "Why not? I love writing, care about the Village and was taught while growing up that if one sees a wrong, one must address it." So here we all are.
     Don Quixote tilted at windmills and there are many a day that I feel we are doing the same. UCO in the form of David Israel and his crew is equally as unbending and certainly unforgiving. Yet, we do persist, many of us quietly and some verbally, willing to take the filth and abuse hurled at us in both private and public comments that originate in Davidisraelland. As we continue in a proud American tradition of voicing discontent, dissatisfaction with the status quo, we will continue to face down David Israel and Co.
    Just as a fun game with myself, I decided to try to explain using quotes and paraphrases as to just why we are doing this and perhaps even the thickheaded people over there in that weird land will understand that we are not going away.
     I have already said once before, that as stated by Captain Bill McDonald, Texas Ranger, "No man in the wrong can stand up against a fellow that's in the right and keeps on a comin' ." and so we do. Pirkei Avot, or Sayings of Our Fathers, says that it is not on us to finish the work we start, but it is also certainly not OK for us to say that we are free from that responsibility, to try to do the best and not look away.
     Norman Cousins says "Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences." We do not believe that David Israel takes any consequences into account; in fact, is not wise at all and we can see that in the disasters he has wrought.To continue the thought, Edgar Allan Poe states, "Stupidity is a talent for misconception" and that is certainly evident in what we now have going on in UCO for the past four and a half years.
     Thomas Jefferson says, "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." In this case, David Israel and Co. have not even gotten to opening the book, let alone reaching the first chapter. He has consistently lied to the residents of the Village until finally forced to admit that there is a million dollar shortfall.
     We all have dreams for our Village, for our lives here and to quote Walt Disney, "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." WE, the "malcontents of CV" are proud of our title, of our battles and admire and follow the advice of a great man, Winston Churchill, who said, "NEVER GIVE IN. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER.NEVER."

1 comment:

  1. And we will never, never, ever, ever stop! DD
    DD=Dump Dave
