Sunday, July 20, 2014

Smart Don 0460

Smart Don 0460 asks about the need for a reserve fund, for a savings fund, for a emergency fund. All of which are part of our every day lives. Does he bother to think why he has a savings account at his bank. I bet not, because it the right thing to do. The reason should be because it is the sensible thing to do.

Does he ask how we are to put monies aside for the road repairs which are sure to come, for the infrastructure repairs ( under ground pipes, electric cables, etc)?

No! You know all he cares about is making the point that the State Law does not require a reserve.

You can make the argument that the state does not have to legally require everybody to breath, everybody to pay their bills, of everybody to pay their bills in a time.

The problem with Don4060 (what kind of a name is that?) is that he only sees what he sees. he suffers from tunnel vision and/or a lack of common sense.


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