Tuesday, July 22, 2014

UCO Reporter

EDITORIAL POLICY for the UCO Reporter —

The UCO Reporter promises to continue its long held beliefs that this
publication will print articles to inform our residents of the important issues
concerning our Village. We promise to seek the truth and to print both sides
of an issue, to open dialogue to inform our readers, not to create controversy.
We promise to listen to your concerns and to treat all our residents with
courtesy and respect. Your opinion is valuable to us and will be considered in
our decision for publication. These are the criteria for publication:
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Letters to the Editor should be limited to 250
words, and must be e-mailed (ucoreporterwpb@gmail.com) to the Reporter
by the 7th of the month prior to publication. Your opinions are important to
us, but please refrain from gossip, innuendo, nasty or inflammatory remarks.
Letters deemed to be inappropriate, inflammatory or libelous will be returned
by the Staff for revision or removal. All letters must include the name, address
and phone number of the author. No letters from UCO Reporter staff will be
published. They may however have the opportunity to submit an opinion
article also limited to 250 words.
ARTICLES: Articles for inclusion should be limited to 500 words, e-mailed
(ucoreporterwpb@gmail.com) to the Reporter by the 7th of the month of
publication. All articles will be limited to one per writer. The topic of your
article is of your choosing, but the Staff has the discretion to edit it with your
approval or reject it based on the above stipulations. All articles must include
the name, address and phone number of the author.

This is the Editorial policy of our UCO reporter. Note it says it will publish both sides of an issue. Note also that the Malcontents are talked about all over the Reporter, but not one word from a Malcontent herself.

The Malcontent movement is running 2 active and busy blogs With all this writing and Blogging, with Posts and comments the editors of the reporter find nothing newsworthy? They do not see another side here? They do not see the Oppositions side?

Something is wrong here?

Is the UCO Reporter a Residents Newspaper or is it a House Organ controlled by David Israel and his minions? Or is it a Newspaper that shows both sides of a issue?

What do you think?



  1. It has been brought to my attention that Joy Vestal says she will not publish ANYTHING written by me no matter what the topic unless I apologize to her. Sure. I will do that as soon as she apologizes to me for abrogating my rights, not printing a letter to the editor because I wrote it and then explaining to me exactly why I have to apologize. Simple - but I have not heard a word from her. Such a princess she is!

  2. Its the same old story. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. But - Their days are numbered. Things are changing, things are going in our direction;

  3. Joy cannot give a straight answer to anyone but to Big D-------y.
    Her answer to equal time is a FAIRY TALE.

  4. old saying ~ "I hope our ship comes in before the dock rots" how long now has the duck island dock been closed? I think we should put a sign " the david memorial dock"-has out lived its usefulness-just sits there being nasty-can't walk on it because it's OUT OF ORDER !!
