Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Get it Straight

Now lets talk about Robert Rivera. This man has been attacking Dorothy Tetro with outlandish stories and lies. I don't know if he knows where of he speaks, but he blames Dorothy, in public, at the last Delegate Meeting for the short fall of the Reserves.

I don't know what it is about the facts of this, but Bob does not have  grasp of them.

The fact of the matter is that the Reserves were used up and spent to pay for the road repair. This falls directly on the President, the purveyor of a state wide Wi-Fi.

The reserves were where they belong waiting for a unanticipated emergency and the lack of money to pay the roads company showed up. The fact that the roads repair could of been put off for 3 years or more, so that the money needed could be saved was ignore. Full Steam Ahead Israel couldn't wait.

And that is why we have no reserves.

So what did you, Bob R have to do with it? Nothing. So what did Dorothy have to do with it? Nothing..

Blame the right parties. Blame room 101 UCO Building.


  1. Olga Wolkenstein said it correctly at the delegates meeting.
    The "contracts" for the roads were signed and the work was done
    during the time that David Israel was President and ED BLACK
    was the treasurer. Bob R has his facts all wrong; he should just
    ask to check the books

  2. Yeah, let's give a minute to Bob "Bananas" Rivera. Right, he doesn't deserve any more than a minute. This moron gets up at a Delegates' Meeting and spews out garbage blaming Dorothy Tetro for EVERYTHING except the weather, that he expects people to believe.

    He certainly doesn't have the facts, nor does he want to know them. From everything that is on the street, nobody wants to listen to a babbling idiot.

    He hides behind the time he spent in the service because he thinks that that will give to him some degree of respect; his mental medications no doubt gives him a boost to become brave, and yet he speaks like an oafish banana-brain; he lies like a rat because it seems to boost his ego; he sets up his own blog because he thinks that it's going to give him stature; he thinks that his position with UCO gives him friends with the Israel "in" gang.

    I've heard many people say that he never says a good thing about anybody, -- that the guy is a horse's ass, -- and don't even bother listening to him.

    Ooop!! --- the minute is up......enough of Bob "Bananas" and his friggin garbage. Oh yeah, does "Bananas" have a hard-on for Dorothy Tetro, or what?

