Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hello Marc -Everything is not free

To answer Marc. He asks with Israel's Wi-Fi plan would we have to pay for the cable that he thinks we are replacing?? Of course he figures the content on the cable is of no value and is free. The content, you silly, is what we pay for for. The TV programs will still have to be paid for. The telephone usage will still have to be paid for. The Wi-Fi feed will still have to be paid for.

Nothing is free. Nothing is getting less.

Comcast or AT&T will provide all of this . Since, here is Florida they are the only two cable providers. If you buy, BUY mind you, the source will still be one of these Companies.

You see Marc we are only discussing the delivery of these products.

As for the other two explainers or apologists for Dave, I  would say they are way off way with their facts. I have a picture in my mind of the resident with one phone in each ear having 2 conversations at once. That is almost as bad as the fellow on his phone, gets another call, puts the first one on hold and then answers the second phone forgetting about the original caller. Impolite, bad manners.

As for the remark that Century Village is a cash cow for Comcast. I think you should rethink that remark. Comcast is probably the largest Cable Company in the world, certainly in the US, what do the people in Boston care about little itty bitty Century Village? Or the people in New York. Remember, The Time Warner deal is still alive and well.

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