Thursday, August 14, 2014

Band width question cont'd

So now the question of adequate bandwidth arises. We will need plenty of bandwidth and plenty of reserve. If we go the association route then that may not be as overwhelming as doing the whole Village. Is anybody talking cost here? Is anybody listening?

In our 42 unit association we have maybe 10-12 users. When the seasonal people come back we will probably have the need for more bandwidth. Right now we are on tier 2.

I see that Comcast is refiguring the bandwidth, because they just doubled subscribers bandwidth at no extra charge.

The bandwidth question seems to be overlooked by the Genie in the big office. Perhaps he is just ignoring it, or perhaps he don't know what to do about it. He is known to have a problem in that direction. That is "not knowing"

I would like to see exactly what the Master Room 101 Wi-Fi plan is and what the cost is. How do they plan to handle the growing bandwidth and the growing expense? So far I have silence from that office.

My plan is to use the Association Wi-Fi plan, dubbed the "malefactors solution," if you need some more bandwidth and you are a small Association then you need only a small amount of Bandwidth, if you are a bigger unit you need a little more. But no way will we need the horrendous sum of band width that will be needed to handle the whole Village. Remember the Genie's plan is Wi-Fi the whole village and have capacity for all units. Whether they want it or not. Whether  they use it or not. Whether it is needed or not, whether it will ever be needed or not. BTW we all have to pay no matter what.

So you make your bets and pull your cards. And the cards fall where they may. Hopefully you don't get suckered into something too deep and too expensive. If you do it will be your fault, you will not get restitution from the Head Honcho. You probably can blame your Delegates, whatever good that will do.

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