Monday, August 4, 2014

Taking advantage or How Much?

Taken from a Posting on the Very Private Blog
Wednesday, July 30, 2014


From what I've been told, the $400,000 

Lanny who told you the total cost would be 400k? I have been asking for a costing on Israel’s Wi-Fi folly and so far silence. The number I heard was $1-2 MILLION, so just multiply your numbers by 4.

In the Wi-Fi account, which may be transferred to the UCO Reserves, would have been enough to pay for the installation of the Wi-Fi towers and equipment. Essentially our only costs, once the equipment was in place, would have been operational, amounting to $2-3 per unit per month

Again you overlook the obvious, I don’t think we will ever get approval to do this, considering the success we are having at the Guitar fence. And I think you are Nuts about the costs. $400,000 for the tower maybe.

Assuming, because of the shortfall in Reserves, that this $400,000 IS transferred to the Reserves, what would it cost per unit per month to reinstate Wi-Fi? I figure it this way, in two-steps:

1. Step 1: Add $2.40 to what every unit pays for two (2) years to come up with $450,000 for the Wi-Fi installation two years from January 1, 2015. Why $450,000? Because the cost may have gone up a little by January 1, 2017. ($2.40 x 24 months = $57.60 x 7800 units = $449,280.) During this time the Wi-Fi Committee can continue its negotiations with Wi-Fi companies. This is important because our dropping out of the picture entirely sends a message to the best Wi-Fi companies: "Don't spend time and effort on Century Village; they aren't serious players.

So the minority rules again. I think the majority of residents don’t want Wi-Fi and don’t need it. And, of course, the OPT-OUTs will have some say here.

2. Step 2: Every unit pays $2-3 (NOT $2-3 plus $2.40) during the operational phase of Wi-Fi, which would presumably begin sometime in 2017. At the same time the terrific Internet service savings begin to occur. I may be able to drop my $39-per-month for Internet charged by AT & T. Others with $20-30 plans will still save a bundle.

So what you are saying is that the majority will pay, and continue to pay for the toys of the minority. Nice

This is what we face, it seems to me, if Village-wide Wi-Fi is reinstated: essentially only a two-year wait (that's the new part) and $2-3 a month more in UCO dues. Is that such a hard pill to swallow?

Let’s remember we are only talking about Wi-Fi here. The basic costs for TV access and telephone service if you have internet phone do not change. - Gary

Posted by Lanny Howe with a little help from the Blogmeister

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