Friday, August 1, 2014

The Opposition is Wrong,Dumb and Useless

If you count the number of commentators on Dave's Very Private Blog it amounts to 3, maybe 4 if you count the rare occasional one. They all sing the same song, the same refrain. Israel is Great, Israel knows all, the Opposition is wrong, dumb and useless.

An Association leader gets up to the Mike and announces her Associations' Wi-Fi, which is done only for her Association and works fine and only costs $5 per unit.

The Great Barrister says that is not true, He Knows better, it cannot be working. And anyway That Dirty Wi-Fi system is not available to the roads, to the pools, and to the grassy knolls. I ask so what? Do we need octogenarians sitting at the Bus Stops playing with their Ipad,  or sitting at the the Parking lot, in the car playing with their smart phone?

As a matter of fact why would anybody sit in a hot parking lot, in their car and play on their smart phone?  A short walk takes them into Air Conditioning?

As of today all the Pools have been Wi-Fi'ed except for The Wellington Pools, the Wellington East Pool has been Wi-Fi'ed thanks the Wellington A and Ed G. All at no charge and no effort except Ed's

The logic about free access to Wi-Fi in the Parking lots and in the common area lawns, etc escapes me. I guess the Great Barrister sees thing better than me, or does he see that the term "Campus Wide" is more important to The Great Presidency than to the balance of the CV residents, who consider this a Village?  - Gary

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