Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wi-Fi for the people

What really gets me going is listening to the Great Rules Breaker as he pontificates about the Comcast Business Wi-Fi. He says that the Wi-Fi supplied by Comcast will not be able to live up to its promise. Will not be able to live up to it's hype. He says the Comcast Business Class Router and Business  class Wi-Fi can't work as advertised.

I think Dave Israel is talking out of both sides of his mouth. Does he actually believe that one of the largest Cable Companies in this country maybe in the world is going to lie to its customers. Is going to mislead them into believing that Business Class Wi-Fi is great, when it wont work? That is beyond ludicrous. That is beyond belief. That is Sour Grapes. Big Dave wants his City Wide Wi-Fi and he will hold his breath until he gets it.

It is absolutely amazing that the CEO?(David Israel) of a large Company would lie to the faces of his stockholders. Israel to his Delegates.  Good Grief he seems to pout as the arguments against City Wide Wi-Fi mount.

Just thinking about it raises questions about the man's hold on sanity.

The other side of this argument is why do we need it. Do we need Wi-Fi in the parking lots? Do we need Wi-Fi at the Park?, at the Boat ramp? At the canals? Get Real David!

He says the Wi-Fi will lift the property values Maybe?  Maybe? But Association wide Wi-Fi will be just as enhancing as City Wide. And the price is sure to make all happy.

Delegates, pay attention. Dave is going to try some slippery something in October to get this passed. Don't fall for it.

And as for the OPT-Out, the Slippery one says you cannot opt-out as you want, you must opt-out of the entire UCO. Wrong again you can Opt-out of anything that is not part of the Bi-lateral agreement. Just as was done with the Association Insurance Package. So Opt-out now!

Dave is flailing around trying to save his lost cause! Let him sink on this!


  1. Hi all

    There is a lot of controversy in the Village about the Wi-Fi:

    1. Wi-Fi the whole Village which includes high antenna tower, a lot of $$$ with UCO control (estimated in the millions), monthly dues to UCO which will be more than it is now. Installation might take years, depending on permits (from the airport & the Turnpike towers authorities, with extra cost + +).

    Why having more government (UCO) in our association affairs? UCO was established 25 years ago to take care of certain common interest of the village not to slowly take over more and more of the boards duties.

    2. Putting your own Wi-Fi in your building at the cost of $125.00 a month service + one time installation fees of $99.00 for Modem of 24 month contract or $45.00 if 36 months contract.
    If you want busters on each side of you building (to enhance reception), the cost is one time $75.00 per device. This can be installed immediately.

    Opt out all together, not get UCO involved and leave each unit to do his own decision is a better way. Many of our units owners do not have computers or do not use the internet. Most of the residents are 7-8 months away every year.

    Some associations have already installed their own Wi-Fi system and it works very good.

    Take care of your own affairs.

    Attached is an opt out letter.

    If you want more info, call me.

    Dan Gladstone,

    To: UCO Officers
    Re: Wi-Fi Opt Out Notice

    Association: ___________________________________________________
    Address: ______________________________________________________
    Phone #: ______________________________________________________
    Date: ________________________

    By the majority vote of the Board of Directors of _____________________________________ Condominium Association on ____________________________, it is resolved that "article 2.Community Services section on page 1 of the "UCO Association Bi-Lateral Agreement" does not contain Wi-Fi services on a village wide basis, in addition the association cites Article 7. General-Entire Agreement on page 9 "This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the contracting parties, and no variance or modification thereof shall BE VALID OR ENFORCEABLE, EXCEPT BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IN WRITING< EXECUTED AND APPROVED IN THE SAME MANNER AS THIS AGREEMENT" and as such any monthly charge or debt of any kind will not be honored be the above Association and will be effective upon the receipt of this letter.
    This Association has opted to obtain our own Wi-Fi services if and when it desires and we will be dealing directly with vendors our own choosing.

    ______________________________________ ____________________________________
    Member of the Board Signature & Title Member of the Board Signature & Title


  2. Just a thought.

    If UCO will go along with the Wi-Fi, are the associations going to pay equally? How is UCO going to calculate "pro rated" dues especially if many or few will opt out.

    In the last delegate assembly, David gave one of his horror messages. He said that the "bi-lateral agreement will end if associations will opt out". And he added "what will happen to the buses, security, road...".

    Why can't he leave it the way it is?! If we do not want to add more UCO intervention in our associations, that means the end of UCO?

    Dan Gladstone

  3. One of the main reasons I selected CV as my retirement home was because of all it had to offer. Theater, pools, clubs, transportation, security, and all types of social gatherings. I don't understand why an entire village wi-fi is considered so important by some people. I have worked with a computer for 25 years and did not even own my own computer until 4 years ago, which I use basically for research. I can' t wait until I no longer have to use one on a full-time basis! I really look upon this as someone who wants expanded TV programing. If I want all the bells and whistles, then I should pay for it. Just the same as if I want to drive a Cadillac compared to a Chevrolet, then I should have to pay for it. When it seems that there are so many other needs to be addressed, can't this be put on the way back burner where it belongs?
