Thursday, August 14, 2014

David's Weed


Another drug-induced sycophant by the name of Marc has joined the David Israel campaign to use propaganda and encourage the residents to approve David’s dream of Wi-Fi in the Village. This idiot Marc is on David’s blog spouting stupidities about eliminating cable and having Wi-Fi without paying for cable. We could save a lot of money; he fantasizes, if we dump Comcast and Wi-Fi the Village.
 Someone forgot to inform Marc that if you eliminate cable, which is your internet provider, whether it be Comcast, AT&T, or whomever; you will not have Wi-Fi.  Without an internet provider you will not be able to have Wi-Fi.  At this time, there is no free lunch as this lamebrain suggests. The best we can do now is to opt out of David’s fantasy and install Wi-Fi in the Associations who want it.  Technology is moving so fast; we do not know what’s coming down the pike. It may be that we will have access to low-cost or free Wi-Fi in the future, and if we spend a fortune now as David wants, all that money would be wasted.  
Let’s be smart, just Wi-Fi the buildings that want Wi-Fi for now and let the future technology play out before David Israel pisses away our money.
Oh yes, and Lanny Howe the admitted, “ I don’t have much technical expertise” guy who works at the UCO Reporter agrees with Marc in his blog comment.  And David Israel, the blog Meister says Nada and allows the misinformation to be posted.
Expect more crap from them in the future.


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