Friday, August 15, 2014

Hasting's Elevator

Lets talk about the situation at the Hasting Pool Area and the need and wish for a Elevator.

The scenario is this. The lift we now have at the pool to get people up to the second floor, to hear some say it is to rickety, to slow, unsafe, frightening. WE need a new elevator. We need it now, before something happens, something bad, to one of our residents in a wheelchair or a walker.

Keep in mind that the situation with WPRF and The Century Village is that we answer their cry for funds, raise the monies for them and they spend it. So they hear the complaints about the elevator and agree we should have it. Price estimated at $75,000

But wait. You can't have a elevator without a elevator room. I guess for all the controls and such. Hastings does not have a elevator room and there is no feasible way to get one. If we could build one the cost would soar to $148,000.

So we are back to replacing the rickety lift with 2 new lifts. Cost about $40,000.

So the politics of this is the Capital Improvements are paid 2/3 by WPRF, maintenance and repairs are paid by UCO. So the elevator is out and the lift is in

So the Elevator was cancelled. Instead they are planning on going ahead with the replacement lifts, 2 of them. Century Village Residents pay it all.


  1. At a WPRF meeting, I made a suggestion to have the County inspect the Hastings lift for safety. According to the millennium agreement, If the county found it UNSAFE and it needed to be replaced, it is considered a capitol improvement and WPRF is responsible to pay 3/4 of the cost to have it replaced. If it is found to be safe, we could continue to use it until it became a safety hazard - my suggestion was ignored.
    My thinking is, if you feel the lift is a safety hazard because it makes noise and shakes, have it checked before you decide to replace it - first things first.
    If you were driving along in your car and you heard some strange noise coming from your trunk, would you stop in at the nearest car dealer and buy a new car? Of course not - you would open the trunk to find out what was making the noise. Let's get with the program and use common sense.
    As Angelo Dente, the Kent pool philosopher would say: CHECK IT OUT!

  2. I hope that I am wrong, but I find it hard to believe that there is not some type of a regular schedule for maintenance and certainly for an inspection of the elevator/lifts in our Village. Olga you are 100% correct. This should be checked out right away. If repair and or replacement is necessary, have the responsible parties get this going immediately. Items such as these should be taken care of before any wish list projects are even considered.
