Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Security Contract

Image result for secret meetings
Well folks, we have a new, wonderful, so Barbra C says, Security Contract. Put up by the unelected and unassigned and secretive Ed Black.

It appears as if this is another committee that is operating in the dark. Their actions are secret. I see no postings about. I see no invitation about it, I see nothing.

That is until Barbra C makes the announcement. And the 2 malcontents are spreading the word.

So what is wrong about secret meetings? Sometimes called illicit Meetings? Do we, the Villagers have a right to be involved? Ask Ed Black. He will say NO, We will take care of this, the Village is just Old people napping. They don't have a need to know.They wont even understand! We the committee and UCO management will take care of everything.No need for the unit holder-retirees-old timers to get involved.

Does anybody remember the rational for the existence of  UCO/ It was to have a place that we could combine our purchases and get volume discounts on our purchases. That's all. But look what happened. Now UCO is into every thing that goes on in the Village and the President has turned into a Tinpot Dictator.

And if you oppose him he will summarily have you thrown you off your committee, throw you out of the Delegates Meeting. with or without cops for an escort. and/or fire you from any volunteer job you are doing.

Do we like this? Do we want this? OK then get involved and get your delegate to Vote NO on the WiFi, Vote No on changing the Articles, and Vote No on the By-Law changes. Right now Israels moves, by-laws, articles, and WiFi are all about getting approval of his WiFi initiative. Vote NO! Maybe it best to get rid of the man himself. Vote YES on a recall. Vote Yes on Term Limits.

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