Monday, November 3, 2014

Dorothy Redux'd

This is redo of an old posting on a current hot subject.



Today Dorothy’s true mantra became evident as she conducted the finance meeting with dignified ease and control; the audience was captivated. 

In the past, Dorothy has never given us her opinion on any budget recommendations. She only presented them and let the finance members decide what items should be included in the final budget.  Today, we were bestowed by her experience and mesmerized by the sound of her voice as she broke her vow of silence in order to recommend the items she felt should be removed from the budget.  She spoke, and the finance committee listened. They removed some line items   which they felt unnecessary and reduced others. The main items which had the most impact on the budget were removed; one dollar for the golf course and three dollars for WiFi. On the discussion of Wi-Fi, the Bid committee had requested additional information before they could accept any contract. However, David Israel went ahead and made the statement that the bid committee was of no value, dismissing it as irrelevant This was a total insult to the bid committee members who have in the past given endless time and energy getting information on all the bids that have come before them.

David’s true colors began to bleed through his jacket while some of the members who had previously voted for Wi-Fi voted against it incurring a tie which Ms. Tetro, as Chairman of the committee broke; Thus removing the three dollars for Wi-Fi from the budget.  And perhaps putting the Arrogant one in his place.


Now it will be up to the UCO Officers and the executive board to follow through on the recommendations of the finance committee. If they should choose NOT to, I suggest you vote the whole rotten bunch OUT at the next election.

We don't have to put up with the Arrogance of El Primo, whereby he says I have  "30 years in the Computer business and you know nothing, I know best."  The Wi-Fi was going to be his legacy, I don't think so  - Gary

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