Friday, December 12, 2014

Liar, Liar, Pants on fire!

He Lies right to your Face!

Here we are 4 days after the Delegate Assembly of 12-4. A lot has happened. Nothing happened. Lies that were made have come true.

On the last Delegate Assembly Ed Grossman offered to do a Forensic Audit of the UCO books. He asked that the DA approve this by vote. The Great one said the Vote was not necessary he could Okay this and did.

So 2 days later, on Tuesday Ed Grossman was notified by his section VP, Marcia Ziccardy, that Eds offer was declined by The Great one.

Basically if you read my post "Forensic CPA" you will see that from the onset this offers acceptance was a bald-faced lie. Typical for the Paranoid one.

So that is lie #1.

Now for lie #2.

Mark Freidman from Becker & Poliakoff who was the UCO lawyer, and was the lead on the rewrite of the By-Laws has recused himself from all work for UCO because of a conflict of interest.

So what this means is simply that UCO is operating and has been operating without the advice of a Attorney. This bit of info was known by the President and the Officer's Committee, but no one thought it important enough to advise the Delegates.

So who is our Attorney? So who is re-writing the by laws? David Israel. He has acted as a unlicensed, uneducated lawyer for UCO before. He feels that his life experiences gives hm this right.

To me this comes right back to being lied to. D.Israel is a LIAR,Liar,his pants are on fire!

For those of you that need more proof, the following is the letter to Mark Friedman asking him to recuse and the letter from Mark Friedman advising that he quit representing UCO. So as of right now we (UCO) are without a attorney. Not good.

So where are we in all this?
1. We have no attorney advising us about UCO affairs, unless you feel the Israel can do this job.

2. Although the Forensic Audit was agreed upon by Israel himself, it was really not going to happen. The Great Liar was lying again.

3. Who is re-writing the By-Laws?

It is time for recall. We can't have the President take over every job of consequence for UCO.

A recall needs 25 names on a petition. Simple enough. So who will volunteer to sign the petition? For a starter, I will. If you want this honor email me and some one will come over for your signature.

Sign the Petition for the Recall
Lets get rid of this overbearing, arrogant buffoon!

To Mark Freidman
From Mark Freidman

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