Friday, April 10, 2015

Freedom of speech UCO style

Read the following, from the "other Blog". Read it and weep. It seems as if that great teller of 1/2 truths, no truths, and made up truths, PIcruise aka Peter Cruz,  is at it again. Now he is excusing the taking of pictures of all who enter the Club House because of bad Behavior by all of us. Really? Not a bad idea, but not true.

What this small man ignores, and I am sure he knows the truth, is that the order for photographing came NOT from WPRF but from our own little busy body Ed Black and probably originally from D.Israel.

We also know that the other busy body has threaten people, again, if they talk with the Malcontents.

This is Freedom Speech UCO style.


The malcontents on another blog are complaining and misrepresenting the new policy about audio and video recording at WPRF, Inc. owned facilities at CV.  Remember, we do NOT own the club houses--we RENT the use of them from WPRF.  If WPRF wants to record people, check IDs, etc., on their property, that is THEIR business, not UCO or the delegates business.

There have been too many incidents of theft, abuse of guards and staff by CV residents.  Now such bad behavior is recorded and remember, you can be kicked OUT of (or even banned from) these WPRF facilities for bad behavior by the owner of the club houses (which is WPRF).  Now there will be proof on tape.

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