Friday, April 17, 2015

Town Hall Meeting 4-16


The meeting yesterday in the clubhouse was a terrific meeting. The hall was packed with interested and concerned residents (over 200 of us - Editor) who came to listen to John Carey, the Inspector General for Palm Beach County. And Jesse Santamaria a former County Commissioner and real estate developer.

John Carey spoke about the efforts to clean up the corruption in Palm beach County Government that earned it the nickname of Corruption County. He detailed his long service that includes thirty years in the Marine Corp and stints in law enforcement before being appointed to the position he now holds.

His commitment and determination to carry out his assignment are obvious. Scoundrels in local Government should take heed. John strikes me as the kind of man who will get the job done.

Jesse Santamaria followed John and detailed his experience in Government and in real estate development. His perspective on the perpetuity issue is interesting and informative and should give opponents of the Golf Course redevelopment some encouragement in their efforts.

To see a video about the meeting follow the link at the bottom of this page.

The large crowd who attended the meeting showed real concern for the topics being discussed.

It should be a concern to everyone  that most of the elected officers from UCO  and the UCO Reporter were nowhere to be seen. (To me, that shows the complete lack of interest in our concerns - Editor)

Thanks to Eva Rachevsky from WPRF for attending.

Ed Grossman for organizing, and all the intrepid volunteers who worked to get the message out. You are appreciated.

Thanks to John Carey and Jesse Santamaria and all the concerned residents for showing that you do care about the place you live.

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