Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Egregious and wrong.

This post of Israel's is the most egregious I have ever seen. The fact the the lawyer on a lease proposes that the by-laws  can be interpreted in a number of ways does not make it so.

The fact that the President wants to get rid of these By-Law changes because it threatens his life as the Lifelong President is and should be paramount in every Delegate's mind.

Israel and his minions are afraid for their jobs.

Term Limits will certainly affect the aims of D.Israel as far as his plans to remain Life Long President.

But there is more. The change that says essentially one bite at the apple. Officers can only vote once. That means, although a vote is required at the 3 committees, all voting members can only vote once.

Look at what is happening here, Israel is threatened with these By-Law changes and so he is doing everything he can think of to get rid of them.

But the worst thing he has thought of and is trying, is to stop the Delegates from Voting. To stop the functioning of the Delegates before it even starts.

I think Idi Amin did that in 1984, successfully. How did that work out in the long run?

So what are we to do if the Grand Master does not bring these needed by-law changes to the Assembly?

Are we in charge or is Israel completely in charge and, at this point answerable to no one.

Certainly not the Delegate Assembly!!

So we must arise, we must challenge him. For now the only place left to do it is at the Delegate Assembly this Friday. This must be brought up, discussed and Voted on.

Despite David Israel and Rod Tennyson!!

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