Tuesday, January 3, 2017

BroadBand again

I have finally attended a Broadband meeting. When I do attend it is enough for me to pass the time of day with David Israel to get him to announce that he will brook no disruptions by me. He is bristling and ready to call the cops and have me ejected. All for the nerve of saying "Good Morning David". Sad.

I am in the middle of going over all of the literature that was passed out at this meeting and before. It is a lot.

One of the main things, I should say, are the lies, that are promulgated. It is that the $5 per month deal is stealing and is bound to fail as more users get on the one and only router.

The truth here is that we can not be stealing since this is a contract with Comcast. The supplier of the WiFi. The fact is in our 42 unit building we are using the smallest bandwidth offered. If in the future our requirements change we can buy more bandwidth as necessary.

So, it seems to me that the great one is so eager to sell his plan that he will lie to move it forward. This attitude is bound to fail.

I think Israel would do better if he was totally honest and transparent about his Broadband initiative.


  1. Okay Gary, get over your hate of David. Think of the good of the village. I wrote a blurb on David's blog, read it. We were built as a middle class village and still are. I don't want to see our condos go down in value due to age I want them to go up because we we have a lot to offer and our village is kept up to date.

    1. Hey Gracie, you bigoted, brainless airhead. If you think paying more for Wi-Fi than is required will make for higher price condos, you need to have your brain washed. My unit owners pay $6.25 per month for Wi-Fi and David wants us to pay approximately $17 to 25 in addition to our cable. I know you are not a rocket scientist, but it only takes a half brain to figure out that your darling David's Wi-Fi proposal belongs in the toilet.
