Friday, August 16, 2013

By-Law Change?

What doesn't make any sense is the insistence by some of our representatives on the advisory board to insist on changing (enhancing?) the By-laws to insure that you are a 100% resident of CV. Why this is so important is beyond me. It should be enough that a board member is a property owner if he wants to run for office. It seems as if this By law change is aimed at one person. At best it is another way to decrease the volunteer pool of which we are in short supply.  We removed term limits because we were advised that it is almost impossible to find good talented volunteers. So are we allowing by-law changes being put into effect to further political ambitions?
St. George


  1. Maybe some want to change the bylaws, but I thought most simply wanted to have the present bylaws (rules of whatever they are technically) enforced.

    The Dragon

  2. Bob Rivera is behind this bylaw change. He wants to get Ed Black into the position of treasurer. Ed Black is a dangerous man. He is David Israel's hatchet honcho and he spends our money like water. He is the man behind all the dirty dealing of UCO and is a person not to be trusted.
    I will urge all delegates to not allow this bylaw change.

  3. Vet, you are 100 per cent right. Ed Black wants the bylaw changed so he can become treasurer and squander more of our money and David Israel wanted term limits eliminated so he could be President for life and the simple minded majority of delegates are allowing it to happen.
    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
