Friday, September 6, 2013

Oh, Oh he did it again




Dear Century Village Residents,
How many times does David Israel have to #$%^&* you before you realize you are not enjoying it. Wake up Delegates!  David did it again. He robbed you of your vote.  Jean Dowling put a motion on the table to remove the line item for the golf course from the budget.   The majority of the delegates voted to pass the motion.  Then David fed you some gibberish about plus five minus two which no one understood, and he got away with saying the vote did not carry. Well, David, the vote did carry, and you screwed the delegates. Royally again. The shame of it is, they let you.

When are you dummies going to wake up and realize how dangerous this man is and how necessary it is for you to VOTE FOR TERM LIMITS to get rid of him? We need someone HONEST, INTELLIGENT and RESPECTFUL to take his place.

1 comment:

  1. First, I would like to wish a Happy and Healthy New Year to all our Jewish readers and to all their friends. Second, I would like to say that I was so disappointed to open the blog tonite and see that nothing has changed. Dave remains Dave the Trickster who plays things out for himself. I think the author of Robert's Rules is turning over in his grave! Elaineb and all others of that ilk remain the same deluded mouthpieces who prate on and on with their nonsense and worse. And I think most of all, I am disappointed at Lanny. I have been following what he writes on both blogs and feel he is most probably a gentle soul who wishes for peace, but Lanny, there are times one has to stand up and say - ENOUGH! Here we are in the USA being ruled over in our little part of it as if we are in a banana republic. How do you not see what Dave has done and continues to do? How do you not see the slime trail left by ED Black as he maneuvers behind the scenes and pulls Dave's puppet strings? How do you defend a newspaper that is controlled by someone who is NOT a part of it.Dave has a column and that should be it. Opposing opinions should be included. I would love to write an op-ed piece but I have a better chance of opposing Putin than in opposing Dave in OUR UCO paper. See, the paper belongs to those who pay fees to belong to the Village and not to Dave. WE do not serve him - he took it upon himself to serve the population of the Village and yet....and yet....Well, you know the rest. Lanny, read all the articles, all the Scandal pieces, all the entries and if you can then defend Dave, well, I give up and just hope you are happy in your deluded little world and oh, maybe we can get Dorothy to wave her magic wand as you so not very nicely called it. She has saved us and all she gets is abuse.
