Wednesday, September 4, 2013


                             SO HERE WE ARE......

So here we are and where do we go from here? We have reached the point of hanging all of Dave's dirty laundry on the washline, providing details, especially financial details, and other information as to what has gone wrong. While perhaps we can allow for the thought that maybe Dave started out with a good goal in mind - the betterment of the Village - even that was contaminated by the way that it was done, with dirty politics being played with Dan Gladstone and a letter that retracted all those nasty inferences was never published properly nor truly admitted to in public, like at a delegates assembly. And then we had the ongoing fiasco of the road paving which, G-d help us, will affect us for years to come all the way down the road. but wait! There's more! (Sorry for the humor, I just always have to see the humor in a situation - something I actually do not see in Dave, a sense of humor, just a sense of self importance), but anyway, there is more.

We had the ongoing problem of the Waldmans and Reflection Bay and Dave, not liking the Pro Active Committee people, decided to hide his head n the sand and not go after RB with all the faculties and personnel at hand and here we are with fences on our very doorsteps and NOW, he wakes up? Really? Where the hell was he before? Why did he not help the people of the committee who begged and pleaded for UCO to hear them?

We have the issue of security and again, I have my doubts about that whole issue. Yes. certain events took place but oh so suddenly? And what about now? All we hear is that "things are being done" but what? Where? Supervised by ?

Let's see....what else? Oh, yes. What about the changing population of our Village? Suddenly renters are proliferating and the checks on them are not being done properly, if at all, and hearing a wimp of an excuse that it is the Association's responsibility is not acceptable. UCO has a duty to the Village to keep it properly and has power and influence when it wants. It just doesn't want to tackle this lest some of the delegates be turned off by Dave and he loses their votes. And there are the other people who are afraid to question Dave about his actions or inactions because he threatens them - you will lose a room in a Clubhouse or UCO will not answer your questions, or a personal attack. I have lost count of the people who have told me that Dave will come after me. For what? For exercising my right to free speech?

I know this is a long piece but there is oh so much more. The whole wi fi issue and its stupidity. Public wi fi is NOT SECURE. There was just an article about that in the NY times. So what are we pushing - a way for more of our senior citizens to suffer identity theft and lose savings, IRAs, brokerage accounts or whatever. But that would be fine with Dave because he would divert them with little skits on Channel 63. Please, we must set our priorities straight.

Dave, once again, reach out to some of your Village population. Ask for their help. Ed Black must stop being your Rasputin. Work with all of us and for Heaven's sake, stop with your stupid malcontents term. You sound like an infant. Do you see President Obama calling names? Does name calling arise in Parliament? Where did you get this nonsense from? I hereby promise that if you stop this stupidity be it this name or any other name aside from opponents, then I will stop calling you secret agent man, though I still get a laugh from it. (Sorry about that). For the sake of our Village, get real and grow up. It is the time of year where we look back and try to correct our errors. Take a good look, Dave.

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