Wednesday, January 1, 2014


     The posters on the other blog have outdone themselves. Let's see how. First, came the brilliant suggestion to combine blogs. Ahh, don't think that would work well. Next we have the altogether brilliant statement that Olga and I have a deep sense of competition over David Israel's unrequited love. Thank you for that. That image is playing and replaying in my mind and I keep vomiting. I mean, how dumb can you go.

Then we have the final brilliant analysis of the day wherein the whole point of a blog posting went right over the head of Bob. The banner is on a fence, Bob, not a shul and has nothing to do with prayer. In fact, we got the inspiration from seeing all the rented spaces on the fences of schools.

 David Israel's use of "our village" has more of a secular worship overtone, of the worship of a false god than anything else. He used the godly powers all of you have endowed him with as he controls your thoughts and writings. Just as he did a 180 degree turn from his former statements about term limits, the delegates, etc - so did all of you guys and we have it all printed out so don't go trying to deny it.

 For Heaven's sake, all of you have got to start to try to think for yourselves and not parrot the David Israel line. Time to grow up.

It is time all of you, especially your guru, to start talking to the issues. That would be great if he had something to say besides temper tantrums. Oh, well. Have a happy New Year, all of you. Maybe this is the year the Wizard will actually give you all a brain. Good luck with that!

For some more info on Secrecy click here.

There is nothing left but to Vote for Esther in March and get rid of these arrogant Bums

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