Thursday, February 27, 2014


     You know, deep in your heart you really admire me because otherwise you would not attribute so much power and knowledge to me, especially after you called me a zero person (still don't know what that means).You tell me I have a blog - well, guess what - I do not have a blog. I am merely given guest rights on there as they allow me to post and your demigod does not allow me that right on his.
     As far as the questions I asked Dave, I was not at the recall so no clue as to what they asked but a shame he was not recalled. Would have saved a lot of future trouble. And now you basically wish I would disappear as I am proving to be too expensive for the Village?!!!??!!! What is the matter with you? Do you also call for national elections to be cancelled or state elections? You say the strangest things, dearie, and leave people puzzled as to their meaning. So....for once and for all, why not come clean with your full bigoted viewpoints so that everyone knows who it is that supports David Israel since he always picks on those he thinks support me and conveniently forgets all the others who also support me. Time to turn the table, huh, Elaine, or maybe I just should not bother. You are not worth it, with your prejudices and nasty comments out of nowhere. I have too many other things to do, like planning for a new UCO administration.

1 comment:

  1. I guess Elaine must really be the zero person based on her one sided postings nasty as they are.
