Thursday, March 13, 2014


     Over the course of the campaign, particularly during the latter half, and immediately and continuously after the elections, I have made overtures to David Israel to join in the effort to unite the Village, rather than keep it in a stew of nastiness and hatred that will do no one any good. I shook his hand and wished him luck and plan on handing in volunteer forms for committees.

     So what has happened now to make me hold my head in despair? Very simple. As one who came through a very difficult campaign and an out of the ordinary election day, it is my right and my duty to myself to request the records of that day so that I may analyze the results and work on that in the future. Is David Israel scared that I have some nefarious purpose in mind? Does he think that I might choose to run against him in two years and he will do everything he can to block my way, including violating my rights? David Israel, my rights are my rights and my reasons are not necessary to be stated, but I have. I have made it clear that I intend to work for the betterment of the Village through UCO and all you have handed me is guff. For someone who allegedly was an analyzer of data for his entire career, you seem to not be understanding my purpose of analysis.

     In today's NY Times there is an article which states that wisdom and a positive outlook combined with kindness is what is needed to challenges of aging. Kindness, David, kindness. Try it sometime. It makes a person feel good. Below is my email that I sent today to David Israel in his capacity of UCO President in response to his posting of my letter and making a big deal out of a simple request. Judge for yourself.

David, you continue to amaze me. The request for the records is a simple request with no nefarious reasons, just a
post election analysis for my own information and enlightenment. For you to ascribe a nasty meaning tells me you are going to continue the nastiness of the election and encourage your followers as well. I do not understand your reasoning. Why continue to divide the Village with hate and insinuations? Why not try to unite everyone, invite all under the umbrella. I guess this tells me what kind of reception I will get when I hand in my volunteer forms for UCO committees.

How sad it is that you continue on this way. How sad for the Village and how sad for you personally that you think you must be nasty in order to survive.

I repeat, how sad for the Village and how sad for David Israel. My life is continuing on no matter what happens, as G-d will have it, but my fear is for the Village. What will happen to the Village, its residents, if all we have are one sided "discussions" and ideas in our administration. Not good, friends, not good.

(Not to forget Esther committee still exists and we will continue to work to get rid of Boss Israel - Gary)

There is no freedom of speech in the Little Mans world!!

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