Monday, June 9, 2014

Are we in the Land of OZ?

So here we have the cowardly lion, its easy to block Committee volunteers when no body has a say. So here we have the tin man, no heart or soul. Need I say more. And of course there is the Straw man maybe he is the one with out a heart. There is nothing but good to say about Dorothy. David Israel prances around with his Attorny's face, with his Architect's face and of course as the resident Roberts rules expert. You can assign any of these characters to David since he purports to be our CV expert.

He is the Wizard, or is he the Witch? You tell me.

So lets talk about the need for Armed Cops or our own rent- a-cops. I think at the next delegates meeting we may come with our own armed cops and take the Wizard of OZ away for evaluation. Who, besides the cheer leader and his group could possibly object.

Just exactly what did Olga do, this time, to have the Wizard  try to shut her up. Is she not entitled to the 3 Minutes of free speech, as is everyone else? Because the Great Wizard holds a enmity for Olga does that mean he can take her rights away at a angry whim? Can this be allowed to continued? Does the Great Wizard of OZ have the right  to close down any delegate. Remember it was the Wizard who decided that we needed Volunteers for the committees, except he reserves the right to say NO to the most qualified. See Ed Ross's post


  1. Whisteler's MotherJune 9, 2014 at 3:55 PM

    Gary - you seem to have omitted completely the "Wizard of Oz"! I trust that was merely an oversight on your part and you will soon be adding a P.S. to the post.

  2. Gary, Good idea. Maybe I will bring in my own police force to make sure David follows the law and allows me my three minutes to speak without interruption

    1. A lot of people who appreciate who you are and what you are all about could have gotten up and intervened in your behalf. Like, -- perhaps Ed Grossman or Myron Solomon, or Gerry Karpf, to name just a few.

      You can be as right as sin, but you're coming up against the President of UCO winged by his Vice Presidents and other officers who are deathly afraid to utter the slightest defiance against the throne; the person controlling the meeting, ---controls it....period; the person with gavel in hand is like a judge; the person who can sic security upon you by simply waving his wand; the person who can spew lies upon you with a smirk on his face and receive acceptance smiles from recipients in return; the person who can, without just cause, take your allotted three minutes and reduce it to 15 seconds or less and do it with egotistical justification.

      The almighty Roi was ready for you. He knew exactly what you were going to say, I'm sure. But, dear Olga, you were not ready for him because you didn't have enough people interested in bolstering or expanding upon what you had to deliver. As matter of fact, you had nobody. Where were the three wise men?

      I suggest that you write down on a piece of paper everything that you have to say and give out several copies. If you are shut down by the Roi, allow someone else to continue to read what you wrote and acknowledging who wrote it. How many people can he shut down? Have them all stand in line ready to read your three minute version and the expanded version. Say what needs to be said and get it on record. But, please don't just stand there alone trying to shovel shit against the tide.

