Monday, July 7, 2014

More on the Missing Million dollars

Who is to Blame?

So now the problem facing The Great One is who to blame for the missing or mis-spent Million Dollars. To start with Israels name is off the table, It could never be him, after all the buck stops at his desk and he would never do anything that was not allowed in the by laws, or would he? O'Brien is too soon, Ed Grossman never got near it. Ed Black is a possibility. I guess the monies are not so much as missing as used for other than the delegates intended purposes. The monies in the reserves were to be used as a reserve instead they were used to shore up the Roadway payments. The bottom line is that the monies that should be in the reserves are not there!

Forget about the fact that the delegates were warned about this occurrence more than once.
Forget about the fact that monies were spent without any Delegate approval.

The real fault is the Current Presidents', whose attitude is that we have plenty of money. It is always flowing in. Just wait a while and the coffers will be full again.  That is as long as nothing unforeseen occurs that the reserves were to protect against. Which BTW, has happened. This of course shows poor or the lack of basic business sense. no common sense and he is using the Village money on a bet. The bet is that nothing untold will happen until we can rebuild our reserves. I wouldn't take that bet and you shouldn't either.

So what now?

Lets move on. 
Impeach the bum, 
Recall the bum. 
Lets take our Village back!
All Bets are off

1 comment:

  1. So what now you ask. Now, as proposed, requires an increase that well may be more than many owners can afford. I never could understand how there are always some people who are able to spend money on something they don't really need. That is a personal choice and not something that should be required by all.
    Where are the priorities?
