Monday, November 3, 2014

Jean Dowling speaks

David Israel and I were personal friends for many years and after firing Sue
Cohen and I as editors of the UCO Reporter, he felt it was a liability to
remain friends with me so he started treating me as enemy number 1. I do
not want to belong to any one group but pick and choose my own fights and
be friendly with anyone I choose. I do not believe in hating those who
disagree with me.

I feel that this WiFi thing has become an obsession with David and he has
pushed it at any cost, including changing the budget year and pushing new
Articles and Bylaws to further his cause. Just a year ago, at a delegate
assembly, David told someone who made a motion to wait until the
snowbirds came back for a vote, that snowbirds had a vote by their
alternate delegates. Now he is using that excuse to try to gain support for
his wifi by changing the budget year with the excuse that it will give the
snowbirds a vote.

Another ploy David is using is pushing the Articles and Bylaws through.
The meetings are basically secret even though they are held with visitors
because visitors are not privy to what is going on and my not see the
proposed articles or bylaws.

I am tired of games and the pushing of a system before the technology is
available to make it work. I am tired of the Village spending money before
it is assured it is a wise expenditure. All of the experts that I have talked
with have said that a village-wide system will not work. Boca’s system has
dead spots. We do know it works in the low-rise buildings so why not do it
the easy way now and do the buildings and wait for technology to catch to
try to wifi other systems in the village?

Please read and study and be knowledgable about the issues. Vote against
rushing into another folly such as the roads debacle. Vote for postponing
the vote on the articles and bylaws until they are properly studied by all and
let’s use the money to fund the reserves instead of another costly mistake.
Don’t be one of the group who let others think for you. Know what is going
on and not just what people tell you.
Jean Dowling


  1. Well put, well said. If only people would listen. Oh, and we know the opt out wiring works in high rises as it works just fine in Wellington A.

  2. Thank You, Ms Jean Dowling, for being honest and correct... kind Regards Frank Leggio
