Sunday, December 7, 2014

Results of the Great Wi-Fi vote

So what happened this morning at the Delegates Assembly?  The usual population was greatly enhanced. As a matter of fact we had 250 Delegates registered. I have never seen a assembly with that many Delegates.

His Honor, the President was in fine form. Fully in charge and ready to go. Except nothing was started yet.

After we dispensed with the usual. Such as a report on Crimes in Century Village, not bad. A warning  for everybody to be aware of identity theft again the report is not bad. 

Now we are ready to get into the meat of the program. His highness arbitrarily decides to allow no more that 5 "Pros" and 5 "antis" for 2 minutes each and then to vote and on to happiness.

But the 2 minute rule went by the side, people were talking and yelling from all over the auditorium. Pretty soon the great one was yelling himself. His subjects was the disruptor's are at it again. The facts were that there was yelling, booing and applauding. But nothing I could call a disruption. But then again I do not have the sensitives of our Great President. 

He finally got down to voting. There are loud arguments over how to count, who was to count, how the assembly was to be divided for easy counting.

This was done and the counting was started and finished.

Guess the result. The pros, those voting for the inclusion of Wi-Fi, total vote was 78. I say again out of a population of approved voters of 250, 78 voted yes. So we turned down Wi-Fi solidly.

The next thing to take care of was what to do with the almost $1/2 million we put away for investigation. The pros were back again, leave it they say, we may need it.

The assembly said NO. Put it back into the reserve fund. And that is what we voted for. The vote count was 68 this time. 

So the great Wizard, who I thought would have a alternate plan, had nothing more to say. He said the Wi-Fi effort was over. I remember the triple effort to get Term Limits.

We will see.

In the mean time. The next subject is Term limits. We need them. Vote Yes

Vote NO on the Budget. We must get the Numbers straightened out before we approve.

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