Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Negative/Positive Electioneeing

So the Great Wizard, David Israel has moved from his negative electioneering, to positive electioneering. He now is recommending his minions to-be.

So lets check their credentials. Have his people made all the meetings? I don't think so. Has his people added something to the Village? Not yet. In order to do that you must be elected. Although you could attend meeting and make suggestions.

But if you haven't made any meetings or haven't made any suggestions so why should I vote for you?

The fact that Israel thinks you might make a good Committee Member and WILL NOT oppose any of his ideas is not a good reason to Vote for his selections.

As a matter of fact one of the People put forward by Israel is the "Toxic Tart", another one is the one Village that is on most of the Committeesand has the Presidents ear. These people should be avoided.

In fact it may be a reason NOT TO vote for them. I intend to do exactly this.

Don't be mislead, Don't be fooled Vote with Common sense. Vote for the people that have the Village at Heart. Not the wannabe Minions.

Give the power to the people that care. Ziccardy, Olga, Esther, Gluszak.


  1. Of the four you mention above, I would pick just one, and not for the reasons you might expect. Three, I believe have some UCO experience, one has none.
    Of the three experienced candidates, two were/are Vice Presidents. One elected outright and served her full term ending Friday (unless re-elected), the other served 11 months (not 1.5 yrs. as originally claimed by him in the reporter, which he later corrected). His partial term was an experience for him to be sure, but not one that should be repeated. The other, a busybody more into eavesdropping and driving away volunteers at UCO than doing her job. In her two year term, she made annual visits to one of the committees that she "oversees (the Transportation committee). Another that should not repeat. The third, well, we all know there is no love lost there, and very little would get done. Of the four, the only one I would like to see on the board would be Esther. Now I know all of the other side is asking why would I say that? Simple, of the four, she is the only one without actual UCO experience, and how is she to get it and show the village what she can do within the system if she can't get IN the system. I want to see what Esther can do and THIS is where she should have started. Not everyone is an Obama and start at the top.
    Pay your dues and prove yourself, then go for the big one.

  2. Enter Mr. Rivera, again with foolish statements from a fool.
    I suggest, Mr. Rivera, that you have a look at a My Village Blogger posting on Thursday, February 26, 2015, entitled "Cam and the Bidders," together with my comment, your comment, and my reply to your comment dated February 28, 2015 at 4:56 P.M. You're looking like a FOOL.
    Yes, again, you come out looking like a fool regarding your herein March 3rd. posting at 11:02 A.M., when you make statements that you can't back up, and that have no logic. Who really cares what you think; you're a fool.
    The big question, Mr. Rivera, is ---- do you ever say anything nice about anybody?
    The fool that you are, --- let's here all the nice things about the Vice Presidential candidates your Lord and Master endorses. You may again look like a FOOL.

  3. Nice to see you come out from behind your other persona...
    The question should really be do YOU ever say anything nice about anyone? Eddie, You say this and that, but all you are is mouth service. I have never seen you do anything in this village except come along behind the person you were living with and I really not sure who was agreeing with whom or who was wearing the pants, (not my problem), every once in a while say whatever it is that is on your mind at the moment and leave for your house in Cypress Hills. What you or you other persona have to say means very little to me. Insignificant. Until you bring forth this vast amount of knowledge that you say you have, and share it to do some good in this village, then YOU ARE INSIGNIFICANT. You go and have yourself a nice day Eddie.

  4. P.S. My Lord and Master is a Jew, named Jesus.
    As far as backing up statements, look at the attendance records... Oh, but you would not know, you don't go to meetings, do you?
    Just so you know, I did not run for re-election for personal reasons, but I do support Barbara Cornish, Fausto Fabbro or Ed Black (like him or not, the hardest working man in UCO). Please Eddie, Eduardo, or whatever you want to call yourself, you are an owner in the village, thus you have the right to say whatever you want, but I LIVE HERE, don't assume that I am going to let you or any other transient owner decide what is best for those that live here year round. And don't say you live here, you don't. I hear She does again, but she won't be eligible to run for anything until NEXT YEAR. All in all, if you can't help, get outta the way for those that will.

  5. Mr. Rivera, I am afraid you are a fool. Mr. Ed has many credentials. He has tried to use his expertise by volunteering on committees that were in his domain of experience, but your lord and master; Mr. Israel flatly refused to give him a voice.
    In this world, we have the Wheels and the Cogs. You, my dear are only a cog and the person you speak ill of is a wheel with much knowledge to give to the village. You were a volunteer cog; a person who did the grunt work but is not capable of offering any talent other than drawing cartoons. As a matter of fact, I can remember when at one time you interfered with my putting important information in the Reporter - information that warned the residents of a pending bill working through the Florida legislature that was detrimental to seniors. – fortunately, it was not passed as originally proposed.
    I might add; peace is a fantasy. From the beginning of time, we have yet to achieve world peace. How can we ever expect to have peace in the village?
    The best we can hope for is a semblance of order. And, as long as David Israel, Ed Black and their puppets have power; we will never have any order.

  6. Hi Bob : Just a few notes on your last few comment. I would just like to let you know and others, that when I was Corresponding Secretary of UCO, Mr. Ross was living in CV and he did apply for several committees such as Maintenance and Infrustructure (which was his field of work for several years and had the qualifications to help our Village) Advisory Committee, Operation Committee, Bid Committee, Finance Committee on all of these Committees I was told "NO". This came from our President David Israel. "I will not have him and he could not be on any committees." This was with the Advise and Consent of David Israel. He told you who would be allowed on your committees. So how could anyone try to help our Village when the President of UCO David Israel will not allow you on any Committee?

  7. Oh, Rivera, --- BOOBY--BOBBIE, BANANAS, or whatever your real name is, --- you make such dumb statements that you are, indeed, a FOOL.
    You question that I live in Century Village, and yet you, Bananas, cannot prove that I don't. GO PROVE THAT I DON'T. You can't, so yes, you look like a FOOL.
    You, Bananas, make another statement that I don't go to meetings. This is a pretty dumb statement. When I do go to meetings, I don't need to report to you, but YOU need to report to your Lord and Master, and his initials are D.I. (like Dopey Idiot).
    And, you say boldly "I LIVE HERE." But, just about everyone in your association hates your guts. You should take a poll of your building and you'll find out what I mean. I think that they also know that you are a FOOL, a big FOOL at that.
    You, Bananas, Booby-hatch, or whatever, make the statement, in part, "Until you bring forth this vast amount of knowledge that you say you have, and share it to do some good in this village, then you are insignificant." Well, Bananas, you still don't know how to read. You don't dare discuss the postings of which you were referred, so that makes you an Israel clone, -- your Lord and Master who doesn't have the balls or the intelligence to address anything put right to him that's sensible.
    You made a real juicy statement that you didn't run for re-election for personal reasons. The first reason is that Israel directed you not to run; he has other puppets that would get more votes than you. The second reason, and this word is on the street, that you didn't run for office because you know yourself that you would lose badly. You don't seem to realize, Booby-Bobbie, that a lot of people think that you are an ass-kissing FOOL.
    You seem to think that it is a joke that I walk along with a delightful, intelligent person. There has got to be something wrong with you. As a matter of fact, you have been seen walking with a person who dispenses your mental medication (Booby-Meds) every 20 minutes so that you don't make a FOOL of yourself every time you open your mouth.
    So, Booby--Bobbie, an appropriate name for a FOOL, -- why don't you stop in and see Joy Vestal and tell her that you want to have printed an article about a statement you made which is "My Lord and Master is a Jew, named Jesus." She'll no doubt laugh you right out the door for using such verbiage, and repot it to Israel.
    If your intend is to pay Israel a visit, don't forget to perk up your lips and take your knee pads. Yeah, he'll certainly recognize you as THE VILLAGE FOOL.
    And, of course, I intend to have "a nice day," Booby--Bobbie; commenting on what you have to write makes the day lively and pleasuring.
