Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Common Sense

Mr Bob Rivera who is a staff member on The UCO Reporter.  has been constantly claiming on his blog that I am engaged in some kind of commercial venture with YOUTUBE. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Here's a screen shot of the demographics page from my you tube account. You will notice that the right hand column shows the revenue I have gained in this "commercial"  venture for the lifetime of the account.

The revenue side shows  ZERO !  There is no basis for his claim that I used equipment for personal gain, or intended to do so..The latest falsehood he is perpetrating is that I lost some equipment borrowed from WPRF. I can assure you I did not, and request him to provide  proof or at least reveal the source of this erroneous contention. 

  There are other falsehoods he has published in a campaign to discredit me.

I posted videos from the Actors Studio so that members could see their performances and share them with their friends. I also posted Videos showing the deplorable condition of the Lake here in CV and the poor workmanship in the roads .I  posted videos of The Messenger Club meetings.I did this on my own time and mostly with my own equipment .  This is the truth of the matter and I would think that Mr Rivera in the sense of fair play and honesty would print a retraction and an apology for  publishing lies without checking the facts, as any member of the media who  is bound by the conventions of decent publishing would do. Failing to retract this allegation throws everything published by Mr Rivera into   doubt as to his  veracity, and reflects badly on the UCO Reporter for not objecting to this activity while claiming to be a member of their staff.  

Continuing to publish  lies about another  in the face of the facts  is considered to be defamation.

In Florida, the prima facie elements for a defamation case that must be proved by the plaintiff are:
  • a false and defamatory statement concerning another;
  • an unprivileged publication to a third party;
  • fault amounting at least to negligence on the part of the publisher;
  • either actionability of the statement irrespective of special harm or the existence of special harm caused by the publication.
 I would be satisfied with a public  apology, a published  retraction and a statement assuring me that he will refrain from publishing defamatory and unfounded statements about me  in the future. 

Neil J. Moore

( The UCO Reporter and Rivera are well known for exaggeration, misspeaking, and outright lying. Editor)


  1. Once upon a time his friendApril 28, 2015 at 3:54 PM

    Bob Rivera has proven again what a bold-faced liar he is. He removed himself from the UCO Reporter because ever his "SO-CALLED FRIENDS" became wise to him.
    Now he has the audacity to lash out at Neil who has been doing a commendable job helping the Messenger Club get the truth out to the residents of the village. It's time Mr. Rivera removes himself from sprouting false information on any blog. He needs to keep his insane opinions to himself.

  2. Thanks for your comments . I have to say I don't care if he wants to print his opinion, everyone is entitled to do that.....even renters ! But I object to promoting outright lies. Hopefully this posting will put to rest the story that I am somehow making a lot of Money on Youtube. Now that is insane ....(Just my opinion) .I'm hoping that the rest of his lying about me will be seen for what it is .

  3. Thanks for your comments . I have to say I don't care if he wants to print his opinion, everyone is entitled to do that.....even renters ! But I object to promoting outright lies. Hopefully this posting will put to rest the story that I am somehow making a lot of Money on Youtube. Now that is insane ....(Just my opinion) .I'm hoping that the rest of his lying about me will be seen for what it is .

  4. Once upon a time a friendApril 29, 2015 at 9:39 AM

    Neil, you are doing a service to this village by exposing the lies of David Israel and all his followers. Keep up the good work. They are all pissed because you are working for the good side.

  5. The BUCK stops with the RESIDENTS.
