Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Surreptitiously photographing

I think it is time to disband UCO and start over again. I think that we gave them to much power and now they are running out of control. Remember power corrupts and total power corrupts totally.

Two incidents among many have occurred. One is the lack of understanding of the problems that are happening with renters. The lack of assistance from UCO. Actually the insulting remarks concerning this by the minions of the President.

The other is the bold faced invasion of our privacy in the Club. Apparently Ed Black, the Volunteer? Has directed that all people that enter the club house be photographed. So all auto licenses are photographed, and now all peoples that enter the club house are being photographed. surreptitiously.

What is the problem they are trying to solve? This is  gated Community. Once the bad guys get in then we can catch them at the Clubhouse. Is that what we want?

This is Paranoia; This is a show of force. Against who? The Grandmothers? The Grandfathers? Who?

Is this what we want for our Village? Is this not the NSA attitude, which is good for them, but not for our retirement Community?

Why are the Delegates not doing something to stop this. The power to change resides in the Delegate Assembly. We can fix this if we wish. So why don't we?

Wake up Delegates! Before you know it some more of your God Given rights and liberties will disappear.

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