Saturday, July 18, 2015

Voting Rights

The latest problem that we, as the malcontents, have discovered is Voting Rights Or the lack of them. A little research will show that there are 3 Committees, 3 Committees that have a chance to Vote for or against a project. That is, before it get to the Delegates at their assembly.

The 3 committees are the Advisory Committee, The Officers Committee, and the Executive Committee. A quick look at who is on this committee will show it is people by the same people.

That is the same people are on all 3 Committees. This means that their votes are counted 3 times. So a YES vote is counted 3 times. As is a NO vote

This is definitely unfair.

I think there should be a by-law amendment or a by-law change or a by-law addition added to the proposed Term Limits by-law that specifically stops this. A single line added to the by-Law that says you can only Vote once. You can volunteer to be on any committee, but you only have 1 vote!!


  1. I agree with you Gary, 1 vote is all they should be entitled to, as the Officer's serve on all 3, with a few other appointee's, who of course are in sinc, for the most part with the presiding Officer...otherwise, at the first opportunity, they are "dismissed" /The chairs too are appointed and for the most part are TOLD, who they can or cannot choose to work with..That should be left up to the Chair and not DICTATED
    by again the presiding Officer...Unfortunately, some of the chairs, don't have the "GUMPTION" to stand UP for THEIR RIGHTS....THEY HAVE NO BACKBONE!

  2. I agree with Gary and Bettie. Unfortunately, the chair does not have a choice. If they stand up to David Israel, they will be fired.
    End of story.
    This is why we must get rid of him and vote FOR TERM LIMITS.
