Saturday, September 19, 2015

Retirement Home is Necessary here!


We now have a powerful reason to pass term limits and end the rein of David Israel, who is destroying our village.  Under his leadership, we are rotting faster than a banana turns brown in a sauna.  Each day, he sits at his computer devising ways to shut us down.  His last act of desperation was for him or one of his cronies to call the PBSO to have me taken into custody for an article I wrote on this blog.  As a last resort they used, a Florida law called THE BAKER ACT to have the PBSO pay me a visit to ascertain if I were a threat to society or myself.  If I were not a sane, rational, intelligent person living in a clean house, I would have been handcuffed and shipped off to the Booby Hatch to be evaluated.  As it turned out, the police report stated – my house was clean and neat, I was very understanding, I was not under the influence of any drugs. In other words, I was normal.  I suspect they were told I was a dangerous lunatic about to blow up Century Village. I disappointed them.  I am trying to make light of this situation but in reality, The Baker Act is a serious problem. It was used frivolously against me and it can be used just as easily against anyone you may believe (whether it's true or not) TO BE A THREAT TO HIMSELF OR OTHERS.  All you need to do is pick up the phone call 911 and tell them you want to have the PBSO use the BAKER ACT to visit so and so.  It is scary that such a law so easily can destroy a person's reputation - especially if that person is sane, rational and not guilty of any crime - Dostoevsky anyone. If David Israel and his henchmen can use this legal trick against me, they can use it against anyone of you. This is the one most important reason why we must restore term limits and put David Israel into a retirement home.

1 comment:

  1. David Israel needs to be baker acted. He's the crazy one.
