Thursday, November 5, 2015

Comcast Problems and Solutions.



Have you been having problems with your Cable TV? Well if so, call Comcast (1-800-266-2278) and complain continually. They do keep records of your calls.

These last few weeks maybe even longer, I have been having problem after problem, could not even watch a program properly.

Here is a list of some of the things that were happening: Notice which appeared several times - "One Moment Please" - NO Signal - No sound - Picture breaking up - Lines running across screen - Screen completely black or even a frame around your picture in black.

These are some of the things that were happening to myself and others in my building. After getting frustrated and being told each time you have a strong signal coming into your home, and not being able to watch a program properly, I finally called Comcast.

After several appointments and different men coming to check to see what was wrong and saying it was maybe wiring in my home or my Television, I finally got to speak to someone from Comcast who finally (I hope) has tried to fix my problem.

After working and checking different connections, he got to speak to his Supervisor, told him of the problems that I and others were having in our building and decided to send someone out to check the building on the outside lines. The next day there was someone who came out and checked. Now, after a day our TV has not had any problem. I sure hope it will remain this way.

I have been speaking to other people in our village from Camden, Chatham Kent, Salisbury, Sussex, and Wellington, and apparently they too have been having the same problems. My only suggestion to all of you out there is to keep on calling Comcast and complaining, ask to speak to their Supervisor. I have been told by a Supervisor that there might be a major problem here in Century Village with our cable lines.

So Folks, call Comcast if you're having problems and keep calling until you get satisfaction. We are paying Comcast for TV through our maintenance and we desire better than the service we are getting. Also, I was told by the Supervisor that they will give a rebate from the time you started to call for your problem.

Marilyn Pomerantz
Chatham C

At the last Executive Board meeting, Marilyn brought this up and asked for help. The response was remarkable and over whelming, after she finished her remarks and ask for help the Committee did nothing. It was as if she didn't speak. They went on as business as usual. Guess who chairs this Committee of helpful Villagers? Thats right, Mr.Know-it all himself, David Israel!


  1. The reason why you get no help from the EXCEUTIVE MEETING about COMCAST, because they are pushing BOARDBAND on us. The Delegates voted down WI FI. Now they are trying another way, around the WI FI decision. Now we have a BOARDBRAND committee. Ask YOURSELF why.

  2. Just a follow up on my last posting re Comcast. The service people were out, check on lines inside and outside. Found out lines were from outside connection no good. Did what ever they had to fix and now my TV is working perfect. So folks call and keep complaining to Comcast if you are having any of the problems that I had and you will see a complete difference in your watching and listening to your TV"s. I am now waiting for my rebates on the time that I had problems.
