Saturday, December 19, 2015

Davis Israel your days are Numbered

So, you may wonder what your President is doing locked up in his office pounding away on his computer, tap  - tap-tapping. Well read Phyllis's last post. Talk about dirty tricks. He cannot address our complaints face to face. No he must sneak around and put in a complaint with the Sheriff's office. The last time he tried that they said NO you cannot use the Sheriff's Posse for your private agenda. The same thing is going to happen here. I'll bet he wishes he could have done it anonymously.

So this situation is not over. The ladies of the Malcontents will not allow this to go unanswered.

Woe on you David Israel.


  1. Was David Israel also responsible for the sheriff visiting Olga under the pretense of the Baker Act?

  2. RESIDENTS& DELEGATES: Just think of the STAR SPANGLED BANNER, when you're voting on FRIDAY, MARCH 4TH 2016, for PRESIDENT OF UCO. The land of the free & the home of the brave. Level field for all elections & candidates.

  3. Delegates: Bring back TERM LIMITS. This is why we need term limits, because the President of UCO, can keep his hold on the office. Just look what happen to the opposition candidate. If we had TERM LIMITS, we would not have this problem now. Do the right thing for the VILLAGE.

  4. If the President of UCO can stoop this low against a opposition candidate, how can we trust him.

    1. We can't trust him, which is why we must VOTE HIM OUT OF OFFICE.

  5. Now is time for all good Residents & Delegates to come to the aid of their Village.
