Friday, January 15, 2016

Back to the Nest

This is the picture I get of the little rotund man after the meeting with Phyllis at Golf's Edge. There he is. I can see him now, scurrying back to his nest and writing such news as he heard at this meeting. Can you imagine? Phyllis is going to request all the Committee Chairs to offer their resignations and the new President will decide whether to keep them on or not.

Pretty much like the new President of the USA will do after his election.

So their past actions will be looked at and decisions made on their fitness for service.

So, what is wrong with that? 

Some people, some Volunteers, that have been denied a place at a Committee will be put in place. Good people. Thinking people. All having been denied in the past because of Israel's animosity to their remarks and thinking.

So, what is wrong with that?


  1. Just read Peter's, the village idiot, comments on the other blog. I'll give you the same advice be gone and never comeback. YOU ADD NOTHING TO THE VILLAGE OTHER THAN YOU IDIOTIC REMARKS. But then again you are the village idiot!

  2. The village idiot gets on posting garbage-not once iota of intelligence. Peter-please please move - you contribute absolutely nothing to CV other than your infantile comments.
