Friday, January 8, 2016

Level Playing Fields.

So what could be going on in the mind of our great and knowledgeable UCO President?

He must believe that all his electioneering steps that he is taking are the right ones.

For instance He writes to the  WPB Code Enforcement to complain about Phyllis' sign on Synagogue property. The sign and it's placement was fully approved by the Synagogue, but no. Since Israel wrote a formal letter to the Code enforcers they had to remove people from more important work and deal with this in a formal manner. The result the sign is down.

Only to show up again on the West Drive.

Then the Great one heard about Phyllis's attempt to have a meeting place for her Candidacy and so he wrote to the Landlord. The landlord did not want any trouble with UCO so he pressured Phylis to remove her request and so she did.

So what we see here is the remarkable steps that Israel is taking to eliminate any attempt by his competition to function in or for that matter, outside, of Century Village.

Talk about a Level Playing field!!

1 comment:

  1. There is no level playing field. Olga said it well at the delegate meeting today.
