Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Israel and Pontificating.

It's not right. If you watch channel 63 you will see that the Candidates Forum is shown over and over again. You see David Israel Pontificating on the Volunteers and how some of them only want to obstruct things at UCO. So says David Israel.

Ir seems to me Mr Israel is the conscience of CV, the knowledge font for CV, the see all and know all in CV.

If you have a question as to why our ponds are polluted, Israel knows. If you want to know why the roads are lousy and falling apart Israel knows.

It seems as if there is nothing,  no question that can be asked that Israel does not know the answer to. And if he has his way it will be repeated over and over again ad nauseum.

So let me ask this. Why is channel 63 flooded with Israels pontificating on the same subjects every day? Where is the rest of us that were at that meeting and at the DA and had a say?

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