Friday, July 8, 2016

Congress is chasing nothing Important

So, there is plenty going on that requires our attention, It certainly requires the attention of our Politicans. So what is happening? We are protesting the lack of concern by our lawmakers, and they are busy chasing the fairy tale of the Emails and private servers.

They, the Lawmakers, prefer to chase Hillary's imaginary Email Problems. That, which has already been put to bed by the FBI director.

But, No the Congress has to keep looking for a problem. That does not exist.

What they should be doing is examine the Gun Laws and change them and tighten them up. Get rid of the In-house terrorists, and make our streets safe again.


  1. I totally agree and something must be done to clear the poisonous atmosphere. One shooter said openly that "he wanted to kill white people and especially white officers." We cannot have a divided country, especially when there is no need for this and this was out of the blue, for there certainly had been much progress. Classes? Training? Crime prevention and crack down on gangs and guns? Something!

  2. There is plenty of need for some sort of Gun Control. There is no need for the NRA to block the Gun Control Laws.

  3. gun control? there is a big difference between "some sort of gun control" and what most liberals want. If you take away our rights to be armed, what is next? If you take our legal right to own firearms, then the only ones with guns will be the criminal. Do you honestly think a criminal will obey any law meant to prevent them from owning a gun? If you do, then a bigger fool will not be found. As things keep getting worse, are you just going to lay down when someone says they are going to kill all the whites, or hispanics, or blacks, or jews or christians. When will it end? Should you be allowed to have an automatic weapon? maybe not, but semi-auto? I am sure I can take a bolt action hunting rifle and shoot it just was fast as a semi. 53 years ago a man took a bolt action rifle and fired off three or four shots in quick secession and assassinated the leader of our nation. He bought it from a mail catalog for just a few bucks. You can't do that anymore, they actually have background check to purchase a weapon. They want to have more laws enforced for someone wanting to legally purchase a gun, then why not drug test everyone on welfare to ensure the safety of the children and bring back work for welfare. take the free ride and make the recipient earn the benefit. children are the innocents here, they deserve the help, but make the parent(s) earn it somehow. I worked most of my life and earned my benefits, get this generation a wake up call and teach them that everything is NOT given to you, it id EARNED.

    1. Dear Bob; You have no answers, neither do I. Or for that matter most of us in this country. But in this country I think we all can agree that we want the Crazies kept out of this loop. Let's just start with that. The obvious crazy, those obviously dangerous, should not be allowed to buy Guns. After we have that solved we can go on, or not.
