Thursday, August 4, 2016

The system is Rigged, so help me!

This must be my angry day. Now I am angry at D.Trump
and his remarks about the hero son of the Khans. Who, in his right mind could say anything bad about a man that died  protecting our country. It is, to use one of Trump's favorite words, fantastic.

The system is rigged. At least it is rigged when I lose. When I win it is a different story. Winning is good, losing is rigged. I am being shredded by being rigged. What did I ever do to you?

Let's face it. Donald Trump is a sore loser and a poor winner.

Who is unfit for public office? I will tell you it is Donald J.Trump. How can anyone support him? It seems there is not a week that goes by that there is not an insult placed on someone.

The problem I see with the Trump supporters is that they are in a wishing mode. They listen to Trump, and without any evidence of how he plans to accomplish anything, they see how they would do it and they think it is great, So they want to vote for him and in effect vote for what they wish will occur. Wishful thinking.

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