Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Truth about The Master of Control and Joy Vestal!

This is a comment from EDUARDO to Lanny

Lanny - you have a tendency to get a little too technical.

Allow me, if you will, to get right down to the nitty-gritty. There was a time when Joy Vestal sat with others at a dinner meeting with about 20 people at Centannis Italian Restaurant. She had openly stated that she detested Israel and everything that he stood for. She was quite clear in that regard.

Subsequently, it became common knowledge that Joy is for Joy, and so long as she gets to do what she wants,- everything and everybody is pushed aside. This, is why people today sort of shy away from her.

So, to get what she wants, she approaches Israel and it appears that she strikes a deal. Israel gets Myron Silverman to move over a bit, -- and he had better do that or he is out. Vestal is appointed by Israel as "Co-Editor." She becomes happy as a clam (steamer). Israel becomes elated because he then gets hands-on control of the Reporter. If he wants the entire front page, he can get it. If he wants half of the 2nd and 3rd pages, he can get it. Whatever he wants to put in print, he can get it. If he doesn't like what someone else wants to have printed because it might be negative about him, -- he, Israel, can negate the article, and Joy, who maintains her Co-Editor's position at Israel's whim, -- love it. they are both very happy.

So, here is an Officer of UCO running the CV newspaper, and Israel, the President of UCO doing whatever to please himself and pushing all of Vestal's buttons. You have what is called a dictatorship.

Is it then a "conflict of Interest?" By any standards you can think of -- IT IS!!

It is pure logic that Vestal, in all matters, not just newspaper business, is going to cast her votes as an officer any way Israel wants her to. She can deny that from now until Christmas, but the facts are prevalent. You can't change history there are too many issues that violate normalcy by her actions and lack of professional standardization.

I think that Olga is right on. She nailed it. What should happen? She - Vestal - should step down from the Co-Editor's position, as long as she remains an officer of UCO, so that The Reporter is not in any way influenced by the master of control. Better yet, -- she loves the Co-Editor's job so much that she should resign as an officer of UCO so that officers' votes are no longer suspect of collusion.

Changing the Bylaws, in my opinion, is not a good option. Where do you stop? You have to make an assumption that everyone is honest and truthful. Take, for instance, the Insurance Committee, which is headed by a person put there by Israel. As it were, the insurance bids were manipulated and fixed so that a certain company was chosen by Israel and his appointee ... this is history. Or, what about the monstrous paving fiasco that Israel controlled using his then treasurer to manipulate funds ... that is also history.

Similarities to this Israel/Vestal deal go on and on. With a new government, I think that we can bring back honesty and integrity and rid ourselves of this dominating EGO, POWER & CONTROL!




  1. Hi Eduardo,

    I think I have finally figured out who you are (real name) and where you fit into things, but I am certainly not going to reveal my thoughts on the blog. Your cover is safe with me!

    I know, sometimes I get too technical, but at other times I can’t for the life of me understand some technical things. I need a new mind or something. Do you have any on the shelf for sale?

    Poor Joy, whom I like VERY much, have enjoyed working under and respect, is not here to defend herself. She says she is recuperating from her surgery on schedule, for which I’m glad. We will be happy to have her back at the UCO Reporter.

    Regarding an incident at the Centannis Italian Restaurant, I know nothing about this, not having been there, but even if such a thing happened as you describe it, I would have to say three things. (Uh, oh, I think my technical side is coming out again.) First, things are often not reported or understood accurately. Second, people often say things they wish they hadn’t. And third, people often change their minds about things.

    It may be that with her proximity to Dave Israel, Joy has come to respect him a great deal. She wouldn’t be the first.

    I cannot believe Joy’s “motives” are as dastardly as you suggest. This is not the Joy I have come to know and respect.

    That’s about it, my friend. I don’t mean to put words in Joy’s mouth. By the way, I had so many steamers when up north, I actually got a little sick of them for a while. I’m over that now, though, you’ll be happy to hear.

    1. Gee, wiz, Lanny, in writings I never knew you to be so serene and astute. Congratulations on your make-over.

      I hear you, believe me, I hear you, Lanny.

      I was simply stating the facts as I know them. And, Joy Vestal did what she did and does what I believe she is doing every day. If you consider the facts and weight them carefully, I think that you'll agree that I do, in fact, have a point that is viable.

      I like Joy Vestal AS A PERSON. She, sometimes can be funny and witty. BUT, what she has done and what she continues to do is not right, at least by standards set by upstanding people. Perhaps she doesn't really care if she alienates people. That is her prerogative, I'm sure.

      The whole trouble is, -- she needs to do what she is doing or else, the Master of Control is going to slide her out the back door after dark. Having said that, she can "abstain" from all officers' voting or simply resign her elected position.

      Why does it have to be this way? It is because Israel, the great Master of Control, needs to have it HIS way, or no way.

      I know that you and Israel are buddy-pals, but I also know that you are intelligent and sensible, and that I think you know what is absolutely right and what is downright wrong. The Israel/Vestal/Reporter relationship is, in my most considered opinion, injurious to the honest and respectable people of Century Village.

      You state that you like Joy "VERY" much. I'm glad. So, if you like her so much, it might be that the most prudent thing you can do is tell her that being respected by all is far more important than being in verbal discord of your peers. That would make sense.

      And, I too, wish her well. I was there, -- i.e. where she is now and it's no fun.

      Oh year, and you didn't think to bring me back any steamers. I may just hold that against you.


  2. I was going to bring you back steamers, but the clerk at McMenamy's said they had to be fresh caught no later than the day before the day consumed, and it took me six days (!) to drive back to WPB. (I had a very interesting trip and would put the account of it on your blog, but it runs way too long. I took the ferry from New London, CT to the tip of Long Island and bought some unpasteurized cider at one of the fruit and vegetable roadside stands out there. The cider got progressively harder on the drive south, until at Lenoir, NC it was perfect. In the morning at the motel, I began to take the top off the container, and it blew off the rest of the way with a little explosion, and the remaining cider began to foam. Perfect! It fortified me for that whole day's drive.)
