Friday, June 6, 2014


Well, David Israel has now fallen into the depths beyond which there is only a well deserved Hell. There he will find the rest of the evil thinking and doing people who use a nefarious policy of group guilt, not that I think anyone was guilty of anything. Any resident has the right to speak at an assembly without being gaveled and shouted down. But in any case, because I am friends with Olga I am guilty, by association, of whatever he so blindly convicts Olga. Therefore, by his twisted and evil logic, I am denied my rights as a resident of this Village, as a member of UCO, to be placed on a committee, to have a vote.

     Where will he be and what will he say in the next election when he once again blathers on about committees?  Why was I not on a committee - because David Israel would not allow it.  How will he defend his own wronging of people in the Village, especially when he loses the lawsuit.

     David Israel, you are an evil, mean, vindictive person, not fit to be UCO President. You and your minions need to vanish - Poof!!!! Like that phrase? You used it on a Holocaust survivor, only you told him to vanish in a puff of smoke and ashes. How kind. How genteel.

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