Saturday, June 7, 2014

Freedom of Speech, NO MORE!

It doesn't make sense. Why is it okay at the previous delegate meeting for Olga to read her explanation of the "suing yourselves" baloney and then not OK on the June 6 meeting. And to make matters worse is that she is admonished not to beg for money, which was not brought up at all. Probably because that is not a problem anymore. Everybody has to see this for what it is. Israel has taken away Olga's right to free speech, Olga's rights to be heard in Public assembly.

What should be worrying the rest of us is that this could happen to anyone of us at any time and at the discretion of Israel.

Olga is within her rights by any rules, Roberts Rules or the UCO rules, she had the right to speak.

So Israel's victims so far are Esther, Olga, and Howie. There may be more, but they are silent. Not by choice.

Another thought is that Israel brings out the worst in all of us. Look at  the Video. You will see a Mister Red Shirt Rabble Rousing. He has a big grin on his face as he leads the delegates in shouting down Olga. So the little clique is part of the anti-free speech group.

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