Sunday, June 8, 2014



        So this morning I found out that I am being taken to task by Elaine Brown, of all people. She is one of the most annoying creatures that G-d has ever placed on this earth. A know-it-all with a big mouth, rude comments and behavior when sitting at the assembly and Forum and now it appears that her purpose in life is to scold me. Oh dear, oh dearie me. How ever will I withstand this?

     Well, this scolding was written in the David Israel style, a style that appears to be mandatory in Davidisraelland. It is just about illiterate, with no punctuation, no rhythm, no transitioning from one thought to another and just plain downright DUMB.

     So after this "martyr" came home from hospital she so devotedly attended meetings. I was there and her comments were actually of not much value with or without her accent.

And one should always get one's facts right before speaking or writing. No one is whining, you silly person; I am simply stating a fact: David Israel will not allow me to be seated on a committee. He is violating all rules of UCO, Roberts Rules and simple decency as well as adherence to the rights of people in a democracy. He has even admitted this on his own blog - that he will not appoint me to any committees.  So I ask again - who the Hell is this tinpot dictator and why is it okay for him to set up shop here in my Village, my home?

     Why do I not go to committees? Simple. This man is demented and I refuse to subject myself to his rantings and ravings, his abuse and the abuse of his also demented followers who have already cursed me out to my face and behind my back while he joined in with his damn gavel.
No abuse if there is no gain and no vote. You may be a moron but I am not. You and your fellow David Israel suckups may think it okay for your cabal to use foul language in public and not for anyone else, but I don't. Hopefully, they should not be used in a public forum anywhere.

 Oh, and as far as being open? Why was the door locked the other day when the Wi Fi was changed to 10:00? What was being planned in there that he did not want others to hear - another multi million dollar debacle?

     In any case, I would like to offer you the same offer I have made to your love, David Israel, and other of his illiterate followers - just call or email before posting, send me your proposed posting or statement and I will edit it for proper English, punctuation, usage, and proper expository technique - all for free! At least I should be insulted properly.

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