Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So where are CV rights being abrogated to?

Are we not members of UCO? Are we not entitled to all the UCO services? Just because some members are in Litigation does that mean the entire Association is banned from UCO services? Does the President have the right to declare this so? Who gave him this right? It wasn't the delegate assembly, they couldn't be so dumb and stupid. Its beginning to look a like 1933 in Germany!

First Olga was the denied her rights as a Condo Owner and delegate to speak at the Delegate Meeting. Now the Messenger club is denied for the first time the right to advertise on Channel 63 their club meeting. They are being denied by the "owner of Channel 63"  D. Israel. Is this right, is this legal? Just who is in charge of our information outlets? David Israel? I think not. Who is going to help take some action to stop this Penny Despot.

The fact is the invisible man does not have his facts straight, as usual. He is denying the Messenger Club access to Channel 63 because channel 63 is the information outlet for UCO. And the club is part of the UCO lawsuit.  WRONG. The operating entity of the Messenger Club and for that matter the entire staff has nothing to do with Israel's lawsuit and are not litigants. (The President of UCO is a litigant) The impossible thing is the managers of the Messenger club,  as is Olga are being attacked because they are friends of the litigants and as such are guilty by association. I repeat guilty by association. Nice.

So far the invisible man has banned, banished, and striked from the UCO roles at one time or another, the following CV residents. Olga, Ed G, Howie S, The Messenger club, My Village Blogger, Ed R. Reason for this? These people frighten DI and have the audacity to disagree with him.


See what does Eduardo thinks about this?

I look at it this way: the only thing that is going to get done the next couple of years, or otherwise show progress in Century Village, is precisely what Mr. Israel wants to do. Nothing more; nothing less.

This Village is stagnated of total control by one person, -- the president. He controls all of the Committees. Ask Mr. Israel for a list of all of the Committees by name and function, the number of members allowed to serve on each Committee, and the actual number serving at this time. Don't forget to ask for the number he has personally added to each committee without authority.

Further, ask for the names of all of the CV residents serving on those Committees, and the Chairperson's name in each of the Committees. You can anticipate a negative verbal response, or no response at all. If he does respond, Mr. Israel may even demand that you put your request in writing, name what rule or regulation under which you are making such a request, and the reason(s) why you are making it. It is all a segment of his paranoid aspirations.

If you are successful, I think that you'll find that every person has been scrutinized by Mr. Israel and gauged strictly by their loyalty toward him, and the matter of -----WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR MR. DAVID ISRAEL; IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR CENTURY VILLAGE.
The mind-set of the people of Century Village who follow and obey this ogre is intellectually damning.


1 comment:

  1. You're right. When you're right, you're right. What can anyone say?
