Friday, June 13, 2014

Taken from Esther "From the other Side" blog


     Read a very interesting article about Shimon Peres, the statesman and retiring President of Israel. While I may not necessarily agree with some of his policies, I do honor the man for his service to his country and the world and he is recognized for his dedication and service all over the world.
     So what could he possibly have to do with the title of this posting? Simple. It was found in the last few paragraphs of the article. It agreed with what I had been talking about, writing about, shouting from the rooftops, included in my mission statement when running for office. For what I said, David Israel pilloried me, claiming he knew best.Well, he didn't and he doesn't and he behaves in the exact opposite manner.
     Peres states that, "The most important feature of a president is to have the trust of the people." Well, folks, he does not and does not deserve that trust as he has led us down the path to wrack and ruin. What he does have is the ability to run a crooked power hungry Tammany Hall political system where the residents of the Village are terrified, unable to speak out because of fear of what he might do. Guess what? He cannot do a thing, just shout and scream and curse - as Shakespeare said, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
     In addition, Peres also has stated many times that, "Presidents don't rule; they serve." Dear Lord in Heaven! How many times did I state that during the campaign. How often did we point out that David Israel thinks of the Village as HIS, not ours. He rules by edict, by fear, by denying civil rights and for sure, he  is no servant of or for the people.
     So maybe we should invite Shimon Peres here to the Village and he could maybe have a chat with us, a Town Hall but that will never happen as David Israel will ban it and Eva will go right along, like a good girl, mouthing that it is "political". Such is the depths to which we have fallen and   those who do not speak up against David Israel are culpable in what he has wrought, if not legally, then morally. Think about it, people, think about it.Don't just write letters and comments here and on Gary's blog, but say it publicly, aloud, loud and challenge his rule. Be there in the right place for the next election or even for a future recall situation.
     Bullies need to be put in their place. They are full of hot air but can wreak damage in their actions. A 5 million dollar debacle, a possible future debacle coming our way with this Wi Fi situation, poor planning and follow through, little contact with the electorate as he sits in that damn office almost 24/7 tap tap tapping away. He does not know us nor care about us, only for the residents of Davidisraelland. A man with no life cannot and should not rule the lives of thousands of others.

1 comment:

  1. Really a great article and as you have said David really loves to rule by fear & intimidation. Wait until everyone wakes up and sees how and see the real shape the village is in.
